Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Presentation of Women in To Kill a Mockingbird Research Paper Example
The Presentation of Women in To Kill a Mockingbird Paper Women were very much idealised in the southern society. They were regarded as pure and delicate. They were said to be fragile and unfit to deal with real life situations. In theory, this is meant as a high status, but women found it very offensive and extremely restrictive. This made them become very frustrated, and in general, they became depressed. The whole southern community had feelings of frustration, but they women suffered more. Southern women suffered simply because they were women, and because they could convey and express such feelings. In To Kill a Mockingbird a recurrent theme is Scouts hatred of the gracious, ladylike, well-mannered role which her aunt tries to inflict upon her. Scout rejects her feminine ways and name of Jean -Louise, and prefers her male nickname, Scout. The fact that the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, is female is an advantage to the presentation of women in the novel because she would know how it feels to be a woman in those times, and she would know how they are being treated. Harper Lee was a young writer in South America, she was born in 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama which was a small South American town, which in a way resembles Maycomb, the town in which To Kill a Mockingbird is set, although in an interview, Harper Lee maintained that To Kill a Mockingbird was intended to portray not her own childhood home but a rather non specific southern town. People are people, wherever you put them, she declared. The novel is also said to be firmly based on Harper Lees background. We will write a custom essay sample on The Presentation of Women in To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Presentation of Women in To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Presentation of Women in To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this essay, I am going to discuss the female characters in the novel, the womens position within the Maycomb society and the womens influence on the novel as a whole. Jean Louise Finch, also known as, Scout is a very important female character in the novel. She competes with Jem and their coloured cook Calpurnia for the attention of her father Atticus. She has a very loving relationship with Atticus, and she gives Jem the status of her hero, although they do not always get on as well as expected. Scout is observant and in ways, very confident. She doesnt always understand everything that she is told, or sees happening, although she demonstrates an ability to absorb things, as she is a very intelligent, young girl. She is a non-judgemental child who is able to have lots of fun and is always happiest in her overalls, instead of typical girly dresses. She has the social identity of a tomboy in the prim and proper world of Maycomb. Scout is a very thoughtful girl, she worries about the goodness and evil of mankind and she always acts with the best intentions at heart, although she sometimes goes about things the wrong way. As the novel progresses, Scout grows up a lot, although it is only in the space of 3 years, she matures a great deal. At the beginning of the novel, Scout is an innocent, good-hearted 5 year old, who has had hardly any experience with the big, wide world and by the end of the book, though she is still only a young child, her perspective on life progresses from the innocent child, to a near grown up. She has her first contact with evil in the form of racism when her father Atticus is called a Nigger Lover. She reacts badly to this incident and takes it to heart. Atticus brought up Scout with an element of sympathy and understanding and this indicates that whatever evil she comes face to face with she will retain her conscience without becoming cynical. Scouts mother died when Scout was only 2 years old, so her father, Atticus, who is a big role model in her life, brought her up. However, the two main female role models in her life are Calpurnia, the coloured cook who lives with the Finch family and Miss Maudie, who is like a best friend to the children. Scout grows up with Calpurnia, and although they do not really get on at first, by the end of the novel Scout looks up to Cal. They form more of a relationship where Scout enjoys spending time with her. Miss Maudie is the other main female role model for Scout. She is an old, yet very good friend of the family. She shares Atticus passion for justice and agrees in the way he brought up Scout and Jem. Miss Maudie is like a mother figure to Scout, who in a way replaces Scouts real mother. Out of all the adults in Maycomb, Miss Maudie is like the childrens best friend, apart from Atticus of course. Miss Maudie Atkinson, a widow in her late forties, is a very good friend of the Finch family. She is well loved by the whole of the family, especially the children. She is always out working in her garden, and is a source of company and information to the children. In a way, I think that Scout and Jem both admire her. She is a very positive character in the novel and a big role model. She is very courageous and has a good, fun sense of humour. She has a non racist attitude, which Scout, especially admires. You can tell that she isnt racist as she stands by Atticus through the Tom Robinson case. I think that Miss Maudie gets along with everyone or at least tries too. She has an amount of respect for all living things. Scout has a very high opinion of Miss Maudie, as said before; she is one of Scouts main role models. She has a lot of wisdom about her, which helps Scout a lot through the novel. She is a mother-like figure to the children, she does not talk down to them, she has respect for them, which is why they respect and value her. She a constant reassuring and sensible model for the children when Atticus is not around. When her house burns down, she shows a tremendous amount of strength and resilience. Miss Maudie and the children often have very in-depth conversations together about what Arthur Radley was like when he grew up, rigid religion and of Atticus talent. Scout and Miss Maudie are in a way, very alike. They have the same views on life, which is why I think they get along so well, even though Scout is only young. The both disapprove of racism and prejudice. Neither of them really have the desire to gossip. Scout has a very high opinion of Miss Maudie, which I think influences the reader to have the same type of opinion of her. As the novel goes on, you get to know Scout as a person, and in a way, learn to love the people she love one being Miss Maudie Atkinson. Calpurnia is the black cook and housekeeper that lives in the Finch family household. She is quite a strong character in the novel. She experiences better conditions and responsibilities, than other African Americans of her time, due to Atticus belief. She is very able to negotiate between the two very different, separate worlds of Maycomb the black and the white. She teaches Scout and Jem most of the same lessons which they are taught by Atticus and Miss Maudie. She is quite a strict lady, and as she is considered as one of the family, she is allowed to freely scold and lecture the children. At first, the children, especially Scout do not like this, but as the novel progresses I think they realise that she is only doing her best for them. Cal and Scout bond quite a lot through the novel, they sit and talk, and Calpurnia teaches Scout about keeping respect for people, and taking time to understand others. I think that this helps Scout to build quite a strong relationship with Cal. Having such a close relationship with Calpurnia even helps Scout see that being a girl isnt so bad after all, and despite being coloured and just the Finchs cook and housekeeper, she becomes a type of mother to Scout in many ways. Miss Henry Lafayette Dubose is one of the more nasty characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. She is said to be one of the meanest women to ever have lived in the Maycomb County. Se is a very old, ill and argumentative woman. She is racist and prejudiced which is a dominating reason of why the children dislike her, as neither of them have been brought up to be like that. The children tend to avoid her, as she is a viscous woman, and it upsets them, the way she calls Atticus a Nigger Lover because of his Tom Robinson case and having Calpurnia living with them. One day, when Mrs Dubose calls Atticus a Nigger Lover it particularly gets to the children, and inspires Jem to cut off Mrs Duboses precious Camellias. As a punishment for this Jem has to go to read to Mrs Dubose everyday. Jem hates the idea but Scout offers to go with him (this is an aspect of Scout and Jems close relationship). The children are scared to go there everyday, but Atticus tells them to maintain their politeness with her, as she is just an ill, lonely lady. They also learn more courage as they are going to visit everyday. Having Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose as a character in the novel, indicates that there are both good and bad characters in the book. Harper Lee has realistically created complex personalities. Alexandra referred to in the book as Aunt Alexandra is Atticus sister. She is a very strong-willed, proud woman, and is very devoted to her family and her expectations of them. She is like the perfect southern woman. She is a very traditional woman, and personality trait often leads her to clash with Scout. She has strict views on how children should be brought up, and girls should be typical girls, so she disapproves of Scouts tomboyish ways. She tries to enforce these views on Scout, which drives Scout away from her, as Scout is happy the way she is and the way she dresses. Alexandra is very much concerned with bringing up Atticus children properly, this shows when she comes to help look after the children during the Tom Robinson trials. She is quite a racist woman, which does not help when she is staying with Atticus and the children, as Calpurnia is the cook. She has very different views to Calpurnia on bringing up the children and the roles of southern women. This makes it quite hard for them to live in the same household and causes them a lot of tension, as they tend to clash, as they are very different. Scout and Aunt Alexandra build a better relationship towards the end of the novel, they realise they arent so different after all, and rather learn to get along. They learn to live with each other and accept each others rules and views. I think that there are many strong female characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. One of the strongest being Scout. She changes a lot through the novel, we get to know her really well, and notice her changes from a small child into more of a person. The role of southern women is a big aspect of the story. It is shown in many ways, from the way Calpurnia is, and the way Aunt Alexandra is.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The eNotes Blog Why Children Make the BestScientists
Why Children Make the BestScientists The intersection of science and play. We are taught from a young age that authority in any academic realm must be allocated to adults onlyor more specifically grey haired men in tweed jackets staring down their noses at us from in front of a chalkboard or behind a cluttered desk. But when we think about the fundamentals of Science, a field that in its research requires constant questioning and experimentation, who better to contribute to its innovation than the naturally curious? In his TED talk above, neuroscientist Beau Lotto tells why children make the best scientists. Evolutions solution to uncertainty is play Play is the only human endeavor where uncertainty is celebrated. When you add rules to play, you have a game. And thats what an experiment isa game Armed with these two ideas that science is a way of being and experiments are play, we asked, Can anyone become a scientist? And who better to ask than twenty-five 8-10 year old children? Because theyre experts in play. With this idea in mind, Lotto turned to a primary school in Devon, England, to create a program in which children would be given the opportunity to act as scientists. He was granted no funding for this idea, as scientists said children couldnt make a strong contribution to science, and teachers said kids couldnt do it. Teachers, if you can believe it, had no faith in the capabilities of young people. Lotto went through with it anyway. His first step in the program was to have the students ask questions. The results? Five of the questions the students came up with were questions that were the basis of science publication in the last 5-15 years. They were asking questions that were significant to expert scientists. This gave Lotto and his colleagues the impetus to turn the group of children into full-fledged scientists, an idea that amazingly resulted in the peer-reviewed publication of 10-year old Amy OTooles science paper. She joins Lotto onstage to describe the inspiring journey from early hypothesis to academic acceptance. I strongly suggest you watch this video, if not to be inspired by the true capabilities of children (despite the misgivings of teachers, scientists, and most adults), then to rethink how good scientific thought requires our embrace of uncertainty.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Make Playdough 6 Easy DIY Recipes
How to Make Playdough 6 Easy DIY Recipes SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Most of us have played with playdough at some point. Brand name Play-Doh, it's a staple of most childhoods. But what actually is playdough and how is it made? We'll discuss what exactly playdough is and offer some of our favorite recipes and tips on how to make natural DIY playdough right at home. What Is Playdough? Playdough is one of those familiar substances that immediately sparks feelings of nostalgia. From it's soft, pliable texture to its distinctive smell, we all think we know playdough. But what exactly is it? In short, Play-Doh is a modeling compound made primarily from flour, water, salt, borax and mineral oil. Natural recipes have cream of tartar, a white crystalline compound found in baking powder, and can be made with a variety of oils. Play-Doh is soft and malleable, and can be reused as long as it's stored properly. I'm sure a lot of us remember the disappointment we faced when we came back to our awesome Play-Doh creations to find them dried out and crusty. Proper storage is key with both store bought and homemade playdough. Where Did Play-Doh Come From? Play-Doh has come a long way from its origins as a cleaning product, and was even inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1998. Play-Doh was originally created as a non-toxic, non-staining putty to remove coal stains from wallpaper by Noah and Cleo McVicker of the soap manufacturing company, Kutol Products. After World War II, the demand for coal-removing putties essentially disappeared. The country turned to natural gas for energy instead of coal, and vinyl wallpaper meant that even when coal was used, it rarely stained. With its original use obsolete, the makers looked for a new way to market the product in the mid 1950's. Schoolteacher Kay Zufall took the putty to her classroom, and Play-Doh as we know it was born. The creators tweaked the formula, and Zufall named the iconic toy "Play-Doh." The product re-launched in 1956, with a marketing campaign that consisted of TV spots and in-store demonstrations in retail giants like Macy's. By 1958, the company sold $3 million worth of Play-Doh. Play-Doh is currently owned and manufactured by Hasbro. Homemade Playdough Recipes While we love traditional Play-Doh, DIY playdough can be just as fun as playing with it! Keep in mind that homemade playdoughs won't last as long as store-bought Play-Doh, and all playdough should always be put back in a sealed container when not in use. Most natural recipes contain flour and cream of tartar. We put together a list of recipes with those ingredients, as well as ones without. Remember, store-bought Play-Doh has flour and is not allergy-safe for those allergic to wheat products. Flour-free homemade playdough is a great alternative. Check out some of our favorite recipes! Playdough Recipes with Flour and Cream of Tartar If you're looking to make an edible playdough with easy to find ingredients, check out these two recipes. What You'll Need: Flour Water Cream of Tartar Vegetable Oil Food Coloring The Best Homemade Playdough Recipe from Tinkerlab Why We Love It: The link above shows the full recipe, and also has a link to a great no-cook playdough recipe in the post. This recipe makes a soft, long lasting playdough and is super easy to follow. A Simple All-Natural Homemade Playdough Recipe from DIY Natural Why We Love It: This recipe is all-natural, and can be made with or without cream of tartar. It's one of the more inexpensive recipes, and should last for several months with proper storage. Flour-FreePlaydough Recipes For playdough with no flour, try one of these easy recipes. What You'll Need Cornstarch Baking Soda Water Oil Food Coloring Allergy-Free Play Dough Recipes from the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Why We Love It: Since wheat allergies are a growing issue amongst kids and adults, the American Academy of Asthma and Immunology put together these fun and helpful recipes for playdough that is both flour-free and edible! How to Make Playdough Without Flour so You Can Avoid Any All Playtime Risks from Romper Why We Love It: This Romper post offers a few recipes for flour-free kids, including a super creative one on how to turn Peeps into playdough. They're fun and creative and allergy-safe. Cream of Tartar-Free Recipes These recipes for how to make playdough are the easiest around, requiring no specialty ingredients and little to no cooking. What You'll Need Flour Salt Water Oil Food coloring How to Make Natural Play Dough Without Cream of Tartar from livesimply Why We Love It: Not only is this recipe cream of tartar-free, but it is definitely one of the quickest recipes on our list, and can be made with items you probably already have at home. It's also (technically) edible, so safe for curious kids. How To Make Playdough Recipe Without Cream of Tartar from Stay at Home Educator Why We Love It: This recipe is no cook, which means that you get to dive right in and mix it up with your hands. It's soothing to make and fun to play with when finished! 6 Tips for Making Great Playdough Whichever recipe you choose- or maybe you'll try them all- making playdough is a blast. Here are some tips to make sure you get the most out of your homemade playdough. Use gel food coloring. It'll help the playdough stay stain-free throughout continued use. Make sure to always store your playdough in an airtight container. You can usually substitute other flours, like almond and coconut, to make wheat-free playdough, if you find that a recipe with flour works best for you but still need it to be wheat-free. Playdough should be cheap and easy to make (which is part of the fun!) so don't get caught up in complicated recipes or expensive ingredients. When picking a recipe, make sure to check how much playdough it makes. You may have to double or triple the recipe to have enough playdough for multiple kids or more than one color. Most recipes allow you to mix in scents too! Playdough is all about having fun, and making it can be just as exciting as playing with it. It's a great rainy day activity for kids, or fun way for adults to make their own scented stress ball. Unlike playdough itself, making it and playing with it never gets old. What's Next? Love making playdough? It's time for slime! Check out our favorite slime recipes. Educational activities should be fun, too. Luckily, we have 37 kid-friendly science experiments to choose from, and ideas for pipe-cleaner crafts. And if you're headed outside, learn about the types of clouds!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case Study Example What decisions does the firm face with continued growth? The company has to decide on how to expand the business but not to operate in their sub sites. The challenge in proceeding with this decision is the fact that finding new sand gravel sites in the new areas is hard because they are Scarce. The Companyââ¬â¢s director Frank Wardlaw has found two sites at Celadon owned by the local council. However, they are leasing only one site hence the company has to decide which site to take. The first site, Bardon Farm, has sand and it is promising because of the development of Washington new town and also because in South Shields, the number of housing is increasing and therefore the market for sand is high. Cleadon Hill produces gravel and the positive side of this site is that it has a ready market where Tyneside Company can secure a four year contract with motorway contractors. The firm therefore has to decide which site to take. What are the risks associated with expansion in particul ar the operational risks John Hepple might, however, been justified by being against the expansion because of the operational risks that come with it. The one major risk is that the company might end up in debt thereby losing its property due to borrowing so as to finance the expansion. John Hepple, being the main shareholder, is against having new shareholders and hence that option of getting finances is out. The other operational risk is that the company has a lot of competitors whom it should keep in touch with to avoid being left behind. This will not be easy as the firm will be concentrating with expansion. Expansion also comes with a lot of work and everyone is working towards proving that they made the right decision (Sease & John, 1994). This may lead to the employees having a lot of pressure and their morale may be compromised. They may feel overworked and the firm may not be able to motivate them in the short run because all their finances will have been exhausted in the e xpansion. The firm also faces the risk of making losses if they are not able to attract new customers. The company however can deal with the risks by ensuring that the money they borrow will be paid within a certain period and still leave them profits. The board of directors has selected a committee that will establish the feasible project so as to expand it. The committee which consists of employees gives them an opportunity to choose what they feel they are capable of achieving and therefore doing away with the risk of losing employees due to pressure. The firm should do enough research to know what their new customers expect. This way they will have new customers and also be ahead of their competitors. Analyze the cash flow presentation. Identify any potential problems with the identification of the cash inflows and outflows The company has come up with a cash flow that shows how money will move in and out enabling them to know the rate of return of the project. The cash flow sho ws movement of cash operations that is the sales; there are also the cash flows from financing. The difference between the cash inflows and outflows gives the net cash flow. The Tyneside firm may have potential problems in identification of cash inflows and cash outflows. This problem arises when purchasing items with cash which is an inflow unlike when purchasing i Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3 Case Study Example Some former Hooters waitresses have filed a class action lawsuit, alleging that the ambience that is deliberately created in ââ¬Å"Hootersâ⬠restaurants exposes them to sexual harassment. The issue here is to decide what would be the right things for Hooters to do, and why? ââ¬Å"Hootersâ⬠positions itself as a restaurant for the sporty and fun loving types and deliberately employs attractive waitresses to create an even livelier ambience. But this chain never serves hard liquor and behaves as a responsible corporate citizen by donating liberally to local and national charities and national and international sports events. It even donates substantially to Holy Family Lutheran Church. But it also hires and invites gorgeous women like Playboy Playmates if it feels that might increase its turnover. One must first ascertain what moral rights the aggrieved parties to a dispute have and then decide on a course of action that best honours those rights. Human beings have a fundamental moral right to choose what they would like to do with their lives and they cannot be manipulated to suit objectives of other persons. Further, every human being has a right to the truth and must have free access to information that might substantially affect the choices that have been done. In addition, every human being has a right to what has been agreed upon as a contract and also not to be harmed or injured. The other touchstone of judging whether or not an action is ethical or moral is to evaluate the extent to which such action fosters common good of the society. By common good it is meant certain social policies, systems, institutions and environments that are equally to everyoneââ¬â¢s advantage. The other equally important criteria that any advice must fulfil in order to be considered as an ethically and morally sound advice is whether such an advice encourages action that would strengthen and spread moral virtues in a society. A judge
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14
Abstract - Essay Example can be stimulated buy this events, this depends on the events that occur before, during and after the events, this is due to emerging issues like terrorism and other forms of crime. An increase to the number tourist does reflect a positive change in demand and supply if not both. The method used in this article is mainly theoretic as it takes into account of past events as their influence on the host countries and the countries at large. The authors have the conclusions that not all the expectations are reached after all the investing for those infrastructures to facilitate the major sport events. This is due to the fact that most of the funds spend may never be recovered as the post-event activities mostly do not turn out to be as expected (Solberg and Preuss). The important contributions of this paper is to show that the bidding cities should not be too optimistic to make high benefits in terms of returns either short term or long term. They focused on the economic gains of hosting major sport events though they can as well be criticized for assumption that most cities never earn the expected economic gains. This is because the facilities left can be used to host similar events were they can earn the lost revenues as there shall be no building on new structures. They could have included such situations in the paper as it is part of the post event period though not in such a shorter time as referred in the paper (Solberg and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Most Power In Modern Western Societies Essay Example for Free
Most Power In Modern Western Societies Essay Assess the view that most power in modern western societies is held by people who have not been democratically elected. It is believed that people who have not been democratically elected hold most power in western societys, however how true is this? Throughout history people have been born into positions of power, if your father was a lord, you would most likely also be a lord. Marxists believe that this division of power still exist in modern society today. Unlike Functionalists who believe in a fair merocratic society, Marxists believe that the social class you are born in is where youll most likely end up staying. However this theory is critised for being far to deterministic as many people from the working classes are able to make there way up the social ladder. Marxists believe that everything designed in society is there to favour the bourgeois, from the State to the legal system. Althusser believes that economic determinism needs to be rejected. According to Althusser, societies comprise of 3 levels: The economic, the political and the ideological. Although the economy is determinant in the last instance, the political and ideological levels are not mere reflections of the economy but have relative autonomy and dont have effects on the economy. Stephen Lukes identified three ways in which sociologists have approached the study of power. Each involves studying a different dimension or face of power. He argues that an understanding of power requires an awareness of all three faces. The first face of power is success in decision-making (this has been adopted by pluralists). The second face of power is managing the agenda and the third is manipulation the views of others. Weber is usually considered the starting point in the study of power. Unlike Marx he believed that power was not automatically linked to ownership of wealth. Ordinary people with little or no money could exercise power by joining parties, not only political parties but pressure groups. He defined power as the chance of a man or a number of men to realise their own will in a communal action even against the resistance of others. Weber defined 3 types of authority: Charismatic Authority (The type of authority based on charisma), Traditional Authority (The type of power based on established customs) and Rational-legal authority (The type of authority devised from impersonal rules). Weber saw rational-legal authority as the dominant form of authority in modern societies, not only armies but also political, religious and educational organisations. He believed that they were organised on bureaucratic lines with structures of authority and rational rules designed to ensure that power is used to achieve the goals of organisations. Webers work has been critised as the types of authority he described are ideal types. Ideal is a model of the purest type and in reality ideal types do not exists. Political scientist Robert Dahl developed Webers ideas into what has become classical pluralism. Classical pluralism represents the way in which many people believe liberal democrats such as the UK and USA operate. It suggests that such political systems are truly democratic and that power is distributed throughout society. Classical pluralists except that they have very little direct involvement in political decision-making however this doesnt mean that these societies are undemocratic. They are seen as representative democracies where citizens elect political leaders who are charged with carrying out the wishes of those who elected them. Pluralists see political parties and pressure groups as crucial for the democratic process, as through political parties we seek to gain power by putting up candidates into elections with the aim of forming a government and through pressure groups seek to influence those in government to follow policies which individual groups favour. Robert Dahl conducted a study of local government in New Haven and found that no-one group is seen to actually dominate the decision-making; power is therefore shared among a range of groups. The idea is rejected by pluralists that democracy is possible in a one-party state, since there must be opposition parties and a range of pressure groups to represent the views of those who disagree with the governing party. Pluralists claim to have solid evidence for their view of the distribution of power from case studies of decision-making on a local level (Dahl) and at a national level (Hewitt) There have been many criticisms of pluralism, first of all it is believed that measuring power by examining decisions ignores non-decision making. It also ignores the fact that that people may accept and even welcome decisions which are against their interests and its is shown that some groups exercise more power than others and so is an unequal representation of interests and many interests may not be represented at all. Marxists also argue that the pluralists focus on the decisions taken by local and national governments ignores the possibility that the real centre of power is elsewhere. As a result of the criticisms of pluralism many classical pluralism supporters modified or changed their positions. Robert Dahl has accepted that the unequal distribution of wealth and income in the USA makes equal political influence impossible. David Marsh describes this position as elite pluralism. Elite Pluralists accept that many political interests are under represented. However, since they constitute a significant number of voters the government will eventually be forced to take note of their interests. It is accepted that some groups have greater access to the government than others, however they point out that governments must minimise conflict by consulting with a range of interest groups. Elite Pluralism answers some of the criticisms of classical pluralism. It acknowledges the existence of under-represented interests and accepts that power is to some degree concentrated in the hands of a few elites. However there are also criticisms of this theory. Its said to undermine the pluralist position that power is widely dispersed in capitalist societies. Also the assumption that elites or leaders act in the interests of their members is also open to question. Finally Elite pluralism like Classical pluralism fails to take into account the third face of power the ability to shape and manipulate the desires of others. Elite theorists reject the pluralist view that power in liberal democracies is widely dispersed. They argue that power is concentrated in the hands of a small minority called the elite. The elite theory was originally developed as a response to Marxism, which claimed that democracy was only possible under communism. They asserted that rule by elites was inevitable in all societies, even communist ones. However not all views of elite theory are so pessimistic. Many modern elite theorists argue that rule by elites results from the way in which societies are organised, rather than being n inevitable feature of human society. Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca rejected the idea that real democracy was possible in either liberal democracies or under communism. They argue that in all societies and elite, a minority of individuals with superior personal qualities, would monopolise power. While Pareto and Mosca saw the elite as an inevitable thing Wright Mills saw the elite rule as a result of the structure of society which allowed a disproportionate amount of power to be held by a few individuals who occupied what he called the command posts. These individuals are called the power elite. He identified 3 key institutions as the centres of power, The Federal government, the major corporations and the military. Mills believed that these 3 elites are closely related because of their similar origins, education and kinship and because there interests are in twined. Critics of Mills argue that he only showed that the elites in the USA have potential for control, he failed to show that they had actual hold control. In addition pluralist disagree with this theory and argue that there are many other elites such as pressure group leaders, religious, trade unions and so on, who can provide a counterbalance to these more powerful elites. Marxists also reject the notion of a power elite, arguing that real power in capitalist societies derives not from positions in institutions but from ownership and control of the means of production. In conclusion it seems as though there are many different approaches to the view on power in society, whether the people are in power because they were democratically elected or whether there, there because they were born into it. However many of the views tend to ignore the problems with black people and women. Why are there only 25% of women in parliament and why are there only 6 black MPs? Although functionalist believe we live in a fair merocratic society its becoming fairly obvious that we dont. Though many views have may have some truth behind them it extremely hard say that one persons opinion of power in society is wrong. It really depends if you believe in the power of the people or not.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
In the case against the topic statement, the first area we are going to be looking at is regards to the ââ¬Å"White Hatsâ⬠. White Hat is a term that was originally used to describe some on sound moral character. Today it used to describe a special kind of hacker, that uses their skill set in order to expose weakness in a system with intent of having them fixed. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Effects of Media on Teenagers
As a teen, I myself think itââ¬â¢s pretty safe to say that TV, as well as movies and other media, are some of our primary sources of information about sex and sexuality. Statistics estimate that the average teen will be exposed to around 15000 references to sex each year on TV. TV shows and movies make it seem normal for teenagers to have sex. And letââ¬â¢s be honest, it probably is. But the fact of the matter is the media has a whole lot of influence over the way we perceive sexuality, and actually a great deal of it comes from the music industry, especially through music videos. You try to think of one song thatââ¬â¢s been on MTV music channel, that hasnââ¬â¢t mentioned anything remotely to do with sex or a broken relationship. Now think of one music video youââ¬â¢ve watched on 4music channel that didnââ¬â¢t include one scrap of sexual imagery or expose and focus on a scantily clad female. Yeah, didnââ¬â¢t think you could. Whatââ¬â¢s worse is that a recent study of video games teenage boys regularly play found that the few female characters in those games are often highly sexualizedââ¬âwearing tight revealing clothing and having unrealistically large breasts, and unnaturally disfiguring small waists. Is this distorting the way guys view real women? Well, sorry for the wakeup call boys, but youââ¬â¢re in for a shocking discovery. Another study of network television commercials found that nearly one in 4 commercials includes some type of sexual attractiveness as a base for the message. What is going on with the world? Are we so unimaginative weââ¬â¢ve resorted to sexual attraction as a method to persuade people to buy shampoo? Is this nation as gullible to believe that ââ¬Ëwhen you buy this insanely expensive bottle of shampoo, youââ¬â¢ll automatically transform from your naught-over-average self into this booby-blonde bimbo who probably eats an average of 200 calories a dayââ¬â¢ really? Why donââ¬â¢t we just change it from ââ¬ËAdvertising Executivesââ¬â¢ to freaking ââ¬ËPornography Wholesaleââ¬â¢ and be done with it?! Which brings me to another point. Young girls were quoted as saying that they would prefer to have cancer, lose both their parents, or live through a nuclear holocaust than be fat. You might be thinking, ââ¬ËIs this a joke? ââ¬â¢ I really wish it was. Because take it from someone who has grown up with only one parent, being fat is the least of your worries. And this problem isnââ¬â¢t limited to just girls, oh no. Because the amount of males with eating disorders has in fact doubled over the past decade. Sorry lads, but youââ¬â¢re not faultless. On the other hand, nobody is. Even the media canââ¬â¢t hide from you that basic fact ââ¬â the new Rimmel girl, quite frankly, looks almost the double of a frogmouth catfish. Not that they donââ¬â¢t put up a good fight. Take one look at any middle-shelf magazine and youââ¬â¢ll see exactly what every single other woman in the country no doubt sees, ââ¬â todayââ¬â¢s airbrushed perception of the perfect beauty. The elementary trend in the media industry at present is to promote slim, almost unnaturally skinny womenââ¬â¢s bodies, and sell it out as the only way to be accepted as beautiful. Women, especially young women, take one look at magazines, TV programmes, movies and other media products and accept this falsified version of a human being, and distressingly of all, believe in it. These images are distinguished in the mind of young women as being a role model to follow, and aspire to be like. Unfortunately girls, attaining this emaciated look doesnââ¬â¢t come naturally (unless youââ¬â¢ve been blessed with an insanely high metabolism ââ¬â for which, I am extremely resentful), and inevitably leads to exercising some form of diet, excessive amounts of exercise or aberrant eating behaviours. In actual fact, the number of people with some form of eating disorder is triple the amount of people with AIDS. Two in five women have admitted that they were unhappy with their bodies, which means 40% of you reading this know exactly what Iââ¬â¢m talking about. The media does affect us, and there isnââ¬â¢t much we can do about that. What you can do, is stop comparing yourself to the cover models ââ¬â because theyââ¬â¢re not real women. Beauty is natural, not airbrushed, and natural is how you are in yourself ââ¬â not how you adapt yourself around an imageââ¬â¢s expectations.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Military Brat
Of course the military has a lot of traveling, family orientated, many free services, and good food. Being a military brat was not all its hyped up to be. As a little girl growing up I never had a place to truly call home. Ling the lifestyle as a military brat my mother frequently transferred or was given new assignments. Our locations verified from state to state and we always ended up on a military base. Never staying in a place for more than one to two years it was like being passed around like a damn basketball. At times I got used to my mother's absence when she received her assignments.It was a breath of fresh air when she wasn't around. It felt like a taste of bliss when I TLD have to hear her constant nagging or screaming. All of us children were able to feel free for the time she was gone. As the time came near for her return It felt as If we walked on egg shells due to her unpredictable mood swings. It's a shame that I didn't have a choice to be a part of the military cultu re. Being born into a family that was already actively enrolled was no fair chance for me to have a civilian life experience. On base they preach over and over to us about values and patriotism.What bucking values, Is all I say to myself. The military law required commanding officers and those in authority to demonstrate were 7 Army Valuesâ⬠. The acronym was ââ¬Å"LADYSHIP' which stands for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, and Personal Courage. I was never taught values, morals, or anything of that nature. That woman who called herself a mother wasn't there to teach me values. I see more of my mother's back walking straight out the door than I saw her miserable looking face. The most difficult challenge I dealt with was constantly making new friends to replace the ones I just left behind.I've never felt such a bitter taste of hate in my mouth for when she uprooted us and took my best friend Sarah away. No one could replace my Seraglio or even come close to fill ing in her shoes. From that point on I kept my distance away from most people so I wouldn't get attached and set my-self up Tort another narrates. It really success when we relocated ruling ten welter holidays. I would plan and save up my funds to buy my friends presents. Making ewe friends in a new environment was extremely hard to break into their social groups. To them I was an outsider from a different base.Being on base there is a zero tolerance policy for misbehaver or being rebellious. As brat I remember the discipline being cruel and unusual punishment putting me in the corner to kneel on my knees and hold both my arms up and away from my body. My arms would go numb and the knees feeling like someone Just removed the knee caps. The amount of time in the corner was based on how well we held our composure. She would have us drop our pants to the floor grabbing our ankles as she took my father's biggest leather belt slashing it against our ass as hard as she could.If we moved s he would distribute more lashings. My mother was mean and called her discipline ââ¬Å"tough loveâ⬠. Yeah right, my ass it wasn't tough love. She could dissemble my door frame in five minutes taking away my privacy when I would slam my door from anger. She would turn off the electricity to my room so that there was no TV, curling irons, games, or any luxury. The more my mother was a pitch the more I rebelled with braking my curfew, sneaking out, hiding her badge, taking her lies and hiding them.The consequences of misbehaver for a military brat are generally greater than for a civilian children. Being labeled a brat was not a choice by any means. However, due to the challenges I endured it has shaped and molded me into the woman I am today. A woman with values, strength, great friendships, and unconditional love for all. No longer that innocent girl thanks to the military who robbed me of that innocence. And It makes want to spit when someone refers to me as a military brat. It 's not a word that means ââ¬Å"endearmentâ⬠or ââ¬Å"respectâ⬠as we were taught. It signifies Hell for
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Female Reproduction Essays - Human Female Reproductive System
Female Reproduction Essays - Human Female Reproductive System Female Reproduction Female Reproduction Lesson 1 ovary - a gland that produces estrogen and ova. Ova are female reproductive cells. Ova also are called eggs. An ovum is one egg. fallopian tube - a four inch long tube through which ova move from an ovary to the uterus. A female has two Fallopian tubes; one near each ovary. uterus - an organ that supports a fertilized egg during pregnancy. The uterus is muscular and stretches when a baby is growing inside. cervix - the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. During childbirth, the baby passes through the cervix into the vagina. vagina - a tube that connects to the outside of the body. The vagina is very muscular. It stretches when a mother gives birth. Female External Reproductive Organs - clitoris, mons pubis, labias, vaginal opening Clitoris - Small knob of tissue in front of the vaginal opening. A rich supply of nerve endings and blood vessels. Only part of the female sexual anatomy with no known reproductive function. Has an important function in producing sexual arousal. Exposed portion is the glans. Mons Pubis - Rounded fatty pad of tissue, covered with pubic hair. Located on anterior side of the female body. The mons pubis is directly on top of the pubic bones, top of pubic symphysis. Provides protection to some degree for the pubic symphysis. Labia majora - The outer fold of tissue on either side of the vaginal opening. Labia minora - The inner fold of skin on either side of the vaginal opening. These inner folds extend forward forming a hood like covering over the clitoris. They serve as a line of protection against germs entering the body and also serve a function in sexual arousal. Both the majora and minora are rich in nerve endings and blood vessels. Vaginal opening - Becomes visible when the labias are parted. Just inside the vaginal opening may be a thin membrane called the hymen. Hymen - This membrane stretches across the opening of the vagina. It has no known function and is not present in all females. The hymen usually has several openings in it, thus allowing for the passage of the menstrual flow. Misconceptions have developed throughout history: an intact hymen was the sign of a virgin, with first intercourse and the tearing of the hymen, a female experienced pain and bleeding. Neither of these things is true. Some females are born without a hymen. Others may tear the hymen through a variety of physical activities - often without even knowing it. Some hymen tissue is very flexible and may stay intact during intercourse. Because there are usually openings in the hymen, sperm released at the vaginal opening can swim into the vagina and up to an egg cell, resulting in fertilization and pregnancy. Thus, a female could become pregnant and still have an intact hymen. Sterility Usually takes a number of forms. Once cause of female sterility is the blocking of the Fallopian tubes. The egg cell cannot pass into the uterus. Another cause is the female's failure to ovulate. Endometriosis, a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (or tissue similar to the tissue) the endometrium is present abnormally in the abdominal cavity. Surgery can usually correct this condition. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Refers to a variety of symptoms that some females experience before their menstrual periods. Usually experienced two weeks before the menstrual period or several days before it. Many females never experience PMS. Symptoms may include nervous tension, anxiety, irritability, bloating, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and fatigue. More common in women in their 30s. PMS is related to a hormonal imbalance. Others attribute the cause to a nutritional deficiency. Most doctors recommend a diet and life-style changes as the first treatment of PMS. Encourage women to find ways to reduce stress. PMS sufferers need to evaluate their diets, reducing the intake of sugar, salt, caffeine, nicotine, and alcoholic beverages. They should also increase their intake of B vitamins, magnesium, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. Finally a regular exercise program should be developed. Dysmenorrhea (dis-men-or-e-uh) Painful contraction in the uterus during menstruation. Relief can usually be had by a warm bath or by doing certain exercises as outlined by a
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography Of Father Serra
An expedition brought Father Sera to San Diego Bay to build his first Mission. His second Mission was in Monterey Bay. It was called Mission Carmela. He built seven more mission and took the Indians In. In 1784 Father Sera was old, tired, and sick. He had a difficult time breathing and his leg was diseased and painful. He went to Mission Carmela which was his favorite and wrote letters to the Padres at the 9 Missions. He died on August 28, 1784 at 70 years old. Building a Mission Adobe was used to make buildings. A hole was dug in the ground by adobe. Adobe is a stiff dirt mixture. Soil is what its made out of. Plaster is important to the Mission. Lime plaster IS made from sea shells and stone. Lime shells where headed in kiln. There were fire proof roofs. The floor tiles were called ladinos. They were made Of a stiffer mixture and cooked in kiln. Livestock Livestock is really important to the Mission. Father Sera and Captain Portola brought with them the livestock during an expedition to California in 1769. The first 5 missions were given 18 cattle, 4 pigs, and some chickens.Cattle was the most important animal at the mission. They had long curved horns and sloping hinds which gave good meat. Cattle was killed a lot for meat, tallow, and hides. The cattle also gave them milk, cheese, and butter. Other animals were really important to the mission. Sheep were used to make wool and meat. Hogs made lard. They used hog and lard for cooking and soap. They ate sausage and ham. They used horses for traveling and riding. Oxen worked hard in fields. They also had chickens that made eggs and meat. The herds increased and the Indians became cowboys.They moved the animals to a rancho miles away. They branded the animals at the rancho. There was good space and water. That was the beginning of Californians livestock industry. Crops Vegetable gardens were in every Mission. They prepared the land the same way. Women, men, and children weeded the garden and hoed the garden. Girls and boys waved sticks and threw stones. Insects and animals build fences. An Indians Life at the Mission The church bells rang then I had to wake up and go say prayers. The second bell rang that called use to breakfast. They had hot corn mush. The third bell rang and called us to our daily jobs. Women stayed inside. They did weaving, sewing, and cooking. The men were outside plowing, planting, and weeding. They ate atoll and add vegetables and chunks of meat. They wrapped it in tortilla. After lunch they would have a siesta and then they would nap. Next they would find a shady place to eat. Grape vines under the tree and after they would go to bed. They would go back to work and a young guy would bring them some cool water. The meals are the same as breakfast.The last ell rings, time to pray. After praying, talking, games, and singing they would sleep again. Mission Santa Barbara Report Mission Santa Barbara was founded by Vermin Lasses on December 4th 1786, the feast day of Santa Barbara, as the 10th mission. This mission is between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Yens Mountains. Santa Barbara is the only mission to be under the leadership of the Franciscan Friars since the beginning. Mission Santa Barbara was known to have 2 bell towers. They are now the same as the mission bells. It turned into 8 bells in 1833.Which has 8 Mission Bell towers. Operated by Franciscans. It was built with mainly adobe and some bricks. It was covered with plaster/white wash. Mission Santa Barbara is named after Saint Barbara, she was a Christian mater who was beheaded by her dad for following her faith. The inside of Mission Santa Barbara still looks like it did in the sasss. The Mission is not only active in the church, it is also a historical attraction. Mission Santa Barbara was built by Spanish Franciscans to try to get the Chums Indians to become Catholics.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Short answer 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Short answer 3 - Essay Example One of the key elements of the unionââ¬â¢s struggle was related to social movement unionism. Staley workers played an integral role in motivating the union members and other public to raise their voice against unlawfulness and the exploitation of rights of the workers. Members of the union worked on the strategy of reaching the community to create a grassroots support network in order to get the workers involved in the struggle. Staley workers not only organized their efforts to gather the required support for the movement but also made use of non-violent civil disobedience for the cause. The most effective part of the struggle was that the union members tried to motivate and gather people even without much involvement of an effective leadership. The Staley workersââ¬â¢ activism proved to be the greatest effort of the union activists in this regard as they successfully brought a lot of workers on a single platform. The union members effectively organized the movement by involving the Staley workers in the struggle which not only revealed social movement activism in their fight but also left a message for future generations that struggle is always the first step towards achievement of a common goal regardless of the result. In order to be effective, there should have been a proper support and communication with international UPIU in order to avoid the major pitfall. Secondly, they should not only have developed a result-oriented strategy but should also have listened to the advice of other larger unions in order to succeed in the struggle. If I would have been one of the unionââ¬â¢s members, I would have made every effort to create awareness among the workers as well as local public regarding the basic aim of the movement. I would have educated them that the goal of the union is not to create disturbance or anarchy in the country; rather we want to fight for the protection of our basic labor rights. If AFL-CIO
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