Thursday, October 10, 2019

Prewriting for the Process Analysis Essay

Whoever said life was going to be easy, the sooner everyone learns that the better off they will be. Life in itself is very stressful, but when you throw in being a wife, mother, student and employee it’s almost too much to bear. In order to deal with everything I must do I have a calendar with everything on it and how much time needs to be spent. Now, where should I begin? I’m a wife and therefore I must make sure my husband has clean work clothes and food for work. We all know how men don’t like to do their own laundry or cook.At least my husband doesn’t like to. Don’t get me started on trying to keep my house clean with him and my animals, it’s like a tornado hits this place just about every other day. Dirty dishes, clothes, cat toys, food, cat litter anything you can just about think of. I also feed and clean up after the animals; I have five cats inside, two chameleons, and a cat outside. I must wake up every morning at 7 AM to feed them . I’m their mother now so they all depend on me. If all that is not enough I must also work for a living.I clean a local movie theater in my town. I’ll tell you right now, if everything I deal with at home isn’t stressful enough when I get to work and walk through those doors the stress slaps me in the face. I just don’t understand how people can be so nasty. The restrooms are another story, they are so gross. I have never realized how dirty and inconsiderate people really are and that makes my life stressful when I have to pick up after all them. With all that being said I how could I possibly find any time to do my school work but I always seem to do it.It’s very hard to do daily things then try and set down to do homework, especially the section I’m doing now with writing. I get so stressed out because I get very aggravated when I try and write because I’m not good at it. It seems to take me forever to get it done and that makes me just want to throw the pen and paper down and quit. But I seem to figure out a way to get it done and not go insane in the process. I’m not totally sure if there is a solid way to cope with stress but there are many ways to try and manage it.When life seems to get too stressful or even out of control I will go outside and walk around while taking in fresh air to try and clear my head. I have picked up a nasty little habit a long time ago, I know it’s not good and I need to quit but it’s hard and it seems to really help in stressful times and of course this is none other than smoking. I guess it’s really just a matter of what kind of stress and how bad it is. Sometimes I turn everything off and turn on the radio and just lie on the bed and listen to the music.Sometimes if it’s just bad enough I will end up crying and yes it sounds like a child but is seems to unleash the stress and wash it away as if its water in a bath tub when the plug gets taken out. Regardless of the situation I pull myself together before it gets out of hand. So many responsibilities every day is a bit tough, but there is always a way to do everything. The way I get everything done is just having a plan for each specific thing . Whoever said life was going to be easy, the sooner everyone learns that the better off they will be.First thing, I must take care of my family/home life. There are a lot of things that must be done when it comes to my home responsibilities. I must make sure my house is nice and clean, we all know it’s not very pleasant living in a dirty home. With that I have to wash dishes, clean the bathrooms and put things away. Make sure everything is put up in the right places, make all beds up and vacuum all floors then sweep and mop. I got to gather all dirty clothes and get them done then there is the outside to deal with.I always make sure the outside of my house is nice and neat, I don’t like to have my house looking like a bunch of wild animals live here. I keep my yard mowed; everything put up and kept in order. We burn wood so I make sure there is wood cut and split and stacked up out at the tree and I make sure to wood stack is neat and stacked well and covered up away from the weather. Next I must tend to my children that are the kind of non-human kind. That’s a whole task in itself; I believe that it’s probably harder than dealing with human children. They make things very stressful; they meow over and over like it’s going out of style.I got to feed them and when that time comes you better make sure you watch out cause they all come running through the house all at once because they know what time it is and if you’re in their path they will knock you over like a pack of hungry wolves. I got to make sure their bathroom is clean and make sure the cats outside are feed and taken care of to. Then I have to turn my attention to my chameleons, I have to make sure they have water because they don’t drink water out of a dish so I have to do it out of a spray bottle or they will die.I have to make sure they got bugs in their cages so they can eat. I have a lot of things to do on a daily basis, it get tough and very stressful so I have to make sure I plan everything down to the last thing because I would never have the time to do everything. I have a small window of time after I take care of my animals to do some school work so I try and buckle down and do as much as possible. Sometimes the lessons are hard but I got to try and clear all the stuff out of my head from everything else I have had to do and just try my best.When work time comes around I get ready and head out the door. I have to clean the movie theater. There are seven theaters, two bathrooms, two hallways and one lobby; the place is pretty big and I do all this by myself. When all this is done I go back home and weather I’m tired or not I sit down and do more school work. When times are stressful I stop and pull myself together and calm down. When we get stressed out and just want to quit just to let the stress away, but weather you know it or not calming yourself down and working through it to get everything done is very much worth it.

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